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人  生  12  个  环  节  的  平  衡  方  法
The 12 balance links throughout the human life

    一、 生理平衡: 生理平衡——人体器官机能平衡——人体健康状态。
    1. Physiology balance: physiology balance—functional balance of organs—state of human health
    The organs in a person’s body constitute a self-organizing, self-adjusting and non-manmade living system. The UN World Health Organization (WHO) has defined human “health” as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being (good physical and mental conditions, normal life and work). With a physiological balance, one will have normal life, work, study and recreation, otherwise, diseases may ensue.
     (1) The principle of physiological balance: Supply what is needed and exercise proper control.
    观需施与——依据器官需求,决定 “供给什么”——质。
    Supply what is needed—Determine the “contents of supply” according to the organ demand—quality.
     适度把握——依据标准需求,酌定 “供给多少”——量。
     Exercise proper control—Determine the “amount of supply” according to the standard demand—quantity.
    People often complain about the difficulty in visiting doctors, the expensive medicines and the time-consuming visits to hospitals. But if they can learn to properly control their excessive desires and demands in their daily life, they may prevent diseases when they have just appeared, thus virtually reducing sufferings and gaining happiness. Diseases are controlled at their source. Isn’t that a good thing to achieve the great with doing little? But it is easier to understand and act than persist, and people who can make it are rare.
    (2) The system of main and collateral channels: Modern practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine hold that besides the five main systems—digestive system, motor system, urinary system, respiratory system and nervous system, the human body also has the sixth system—the biological clock—the system of main and collateral channels, or the system to receive and transmit the bioelectricity of the body. The human body discharges positive electricity to the external world, while the external world supplements negative electricity to the human body in return, which is done via the system of main and collateral channels. As the first key system of the human body, it maintains the dynamic balance of the bioelectricity of the body, through the medium of electromagnetic wave. According to The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor, “The channels can determine death and life, deal with the hundred different diseases, and adjust deficiency and excess. Doctors must be proficient in knowledge of the channels.”
     We assume that the system of main and collateral channels may be the universe’s “positioning management” network of human beings.

    “The key to good health lies in balance”. So the first is the balance between the positive and negative potentials: the human body discharges positive electricity, while the universe supplements it with negative electricity. An information exchange balance is reached between human body and the universe. The universe is full of electromagnetic waves of various frequencies. Amidst these waves, human body also has the function to receive and transmit information—electromagnetic waves. Only when the dynamic balance of information exchange is achieved among the heaven, the earth and the human body can the biochemical reactions of the human body be normal. The “person in coma” may be in a state after his system to receive and transmit the information has been damaged.

    amma ray X ray ultraviolet radiation visible light wave band infrared ray microwave radio wave The full spectrum covers a wavelength scope far larger than all the spectrums human beings could observe, ranging from very short ones such as gamma ray to very long ones such as radio wave.
    If the information exchange balance is kept, people will involuntarily “want” to eat something when they are hungry and be unable to eat anything more if they are full; involuntarily “want” to sleep when they are sleepy and be unable to fall asleep if they don’t feel drowsy. It is the unremitting control of electromagnetic waves of human’s “subjective thoughts” that has maintained their lives. Otherwise, if they can eat and sleep to their likings and do anything completely according to their own wills, they will soon go to the bad and even lose their lives. Such phenomenon often occurs to children. But human body is not completely and passively “submissive”. It can deal with almost any harm. Every minute, the cells are under destructive attacks, and there is an “automatic mechanism” in the body that can automatically “eliminate” the dying cells. Human organs can make self-adjustments to keep a balance, and things all have such an inherent distinct for survival.
    电磁波,古人称“神明”,如:暗室窥心,神明如电。举头三尺有神明。今天看来,应当是指人与自然的信息通道。 所以,“天人合一”听起来很古老,其实,真正的含义应当是:人体生物场和宇宙能量场的和谐共振,是人的生存必需。“上帝”是人们对大自然“定位管理”等神奇功能的拟人化表述。
    The main and collateral channels were called “spirit” by ancient people. They believed that spirit would shine like bright lightning when one was examining its own conscience in a dark room, as spirit existed just above people’s head. By today’s understanding, the spirit should refer to the channel of information communication between man and nature. The old theory that “man is an integral part of nature” actually means that the harmonious resonance between the biological field of the human body and the energy field of the universe is the key to human subsistence. The “God” is merely a personified figure of the “positioning management” and other magic functions by nature.
    (3) Ways to achieve biological balance:
    a、 合理定位:将自身器官当作自己最可靠的“朋友”。
    a. Rational positioning: Take one’s own organs as the most reliable “friends”.
    b. Be familiar with the needs: Get to know the “friends”—the quality and quantity demands of the organs, the limits and internal and external connections.
    c. Satisfy the needs with reason: Meet the minimum demands, with proper increase no higher than the maximum, and ensure the normal functioning of the organs.
    These three ways should be organically combined to form a “circle” of biological balance and boost the harmonious development of man and nature. This is like ruling a country: When the reasonable demands of people are satisfied, the society will keep growing in a stable way.
    In general, biological balance is the balance of the supplement and exchange of energy information of the human body. To have a good health, people should keep a biological balance, and understand the biological features, supply what is needed by the organ and exercise proper control over the biological balance, that is, the balance regarding the qi, blood, water, food, movement and bioelectricity as well as the overall balance of the human body.
    Tips: Food and Sex
    1) Longevity secrets of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty: “10 oftens and 4 don’ts”—“often knock the teeth, often swallow the saliva, often flip the ears, often massage the nose, often move the eyeballs, often rub the face, often massage the feet, often spread the belly, often stretch the limbs, and often raise the anus; and don’t speak while eating food, don’t talk while sleeping, don’t drink excessively to get drunk, and don’t be infatuated with sex”. According to Lord Macartney, the British envoy to the Qing court, the emperor looked in his 60s rather than his real age of 83, more hale and hearty than young people.
    2) Doctors serving for the Qing imperial family: “Sexual intercourse should not go against the rules for longevity and health”. According to modern medicine, every male produces about 80 liters of sperms throughout his life, and an adult male produces 40-50 million sperms every day. A healthy male ejects about 5 cc of 200 million sperms by one ejaculation. In general, a male’s sexual life spans 492 months from the age of 24 when his body attains maturity till the age of 65. The following is the reference times of sex for a healthy male at different time in life:

    3、目前,生态恶化已经衍生了一些“有药无效”的疾病。但我们人体本身就具有“趋向自身平衡”的本性——抵抗疾病的本能。人们只要自己不去破坏 “生理、心理、饮食和作息平衡”就会平安无事。但做到这一点需要毅力。
    3) To date, as a result of
    the worsening ecology, many diseases no medicine can cure have developed. But since human body has the nature “to seek self-balance” or the distinct to resist diseases, if people don’t destroy the “biological, psychological, diet and work and rest balance”, everything will be well. Perseverance is needed in this regard.

  1. 生理平衡    2. 心理平衡    3. 饮食平衡    4. 作息平衡        5. 居室平衡    6. 家庭平衡
7. 邻里平衡    8. 单位平衡    9. 社会平衡    10.与大自然平衡    11.交往平衡    12.准平衡
